Thank you for your interest in the Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TNAO).
Membership Dues & Categories
$187.50 - Physicians in the first year of practice after completing residency or fellowship
$375.00 - Physicians in the second year of practice after completing residency or fellowship
$562.50 - Physicians in the third year of practice after completing residency or fellowship
$750.00 - Physicians in the fourth year of practice after completing residency or fellowship. Hereafter, unless changed by the TAO Board of Directors, your dues will remain at $750.
$375.00 - Physicians practicing part time (< 20 hours per week)
* University Departments of Ophthalmology (MD and Ph.D. Faculty) Contact the TNAO Office for more information (615-794-1851 / [email protected].
Complimentary Membership - Residents & Fellows while in training at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (Memphis) and the Vanderbilt University (Nashville).
Complimentary Membership - Retired TNAO Members
Please contact the TNAO office if you have any questions at 615-794-1851 or e-mail: [email protected]
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