Thank you for your interest in the Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TNAO).  

Membership Dues & Categories

$187.50 - Physicians in the first year of practice after completing residency or fellowship

$375.00 - Physicians in the second year of practice after completing residency or fellowship

$562.50 - Physicians in the third year of practice after completing residency or fellowship

$750.00 - Physicians in the fourth year of practice after completing residency or fellowship.  Hereafter, unless changed by the TAO Board of Directors, your dues will remain at $750.

$375.00 - Physicians practicing part time (< 20 hours per week)

* University Departments of Ophthalmology (MD and Ph.D. Faculty) Contact the TNAO Office for more information (615-794-1851 / [email protected].

Complimentary Membership - Residents & Fellows while in training at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (Memphis) and the Vanderbilt University (Nashville).

Complimentary Membership  - Retired TNAO Members

Please contact the TNAO office if you have any questions at 615-794-1851 or e-mail: [email protected]


Please select a member type to continue your registration
First Year Resident

First Year in Ophthalmic Residency Program

Full Active Membership
Third Year Out of Residency
Second Year Out of Residency
First Year Out of Residency
Second Year Resident

Second Year in Ophthalmic Residency Program


Third Year Resident

Third Year in Ophthalmic Residency Program

P. O. Box 681806
Franklin, TN  37068-1806
Tel:  615-794-1851
Fax:  615-791-6032
E-mail:  [email protected]