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About the TNAO
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The Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TNAO) is a state association for ophthalmologists (eye physicians and surgeons). Ophthalmologists are medical and osteopathic physicians who provide comprehensive eye care, including medical, surgical and optical care. Ophthalmologists have completed medical school, an internship and completed three years of residency; and many, if not most, go on to do a specialized one to two year fellowship.  By the time an ophthalmologist has finished training, he or she has over 17,000 hours of experience.

The mission of the Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TNAO) is to advocate for the best possible eye health care for Tennesseans, serve the professional needs of ophthalmologists through legislative advocacy and member services, and assure the public’s direct access to medical doctors trained in ophthalmology.


Contact us.
701 Bradford Ave
Nashville, TN  37204


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