Problem with Fundus Photos Solved

Problem: Around the last week in July 2008,  BCBST has begun denying fundus photos for some members of the Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TNAO) if they bill with any diagnosis other than diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations (250.5X).   BCBST cites a medical policy with an effective date of 10/12/2006. It is very interesting that policy was in effective 10/12/2006 but denials did not begin until just recently.

Solution:  The error was in the software.  It ha since been fixed and BCBST is sending back payments to every practice where denials took place.  In the future there should not be any problems getting reimbursed for fundus photos.


Other Billing Problems?  Let us know about them.



P. O. Box 681806
Franklin, TN  37068-1806
Tel:  615-794-1851
Fax:  615-791-6032
E-mail:  [email protected]